2735 E Oakland Park Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33306
(954) 565-1771
Year Founded :

# of Employees :

# of Clients :

Gross Travel Volume :

Business Hours
Monday - Sunday :
12 AM- 12 AM Eastern

Primary Contact
Allyn White
(954) 565-1771

WTT Travel

Travel Service

  • With over 30 years of experience, we've developed a solid Corporate program that fits your Business needs. Our agents are trained to produce quantitative savings for all our clients. Additionally, they have forged strong relations with all major airlines, car rental companies and hotel chains, which allow us to extend to our clients convenient, reliable and cost efficient booking arrangements.rnrnWe believe that our service is truly outstanding, that is why we will not ask you to commit for a year (or any period of time for that matter). We know that as long as you are satisfied you’ll remain as our clients for years to come.
  • Fee Schedule

    Please contact us for details.