11575 Great Oaks Way, Suite 130
Alpharetta, GA 30022
(678) 338-2100
Year Founded :

# of Employees :

# of Clients :

Business Hours
Monday - Friday :
9 AM- 5 PM Eastern

Primary Contact
Thomas Laugesen
VP Sales & Marketing
(949) 228-5772


Commission Recovery

  • A longtime expert in hotel booking, reconciliation & resolution services, CTS has been in business for more than 20 years. More than 150 clients trust CTS to manage their hotel commissions. We work with many of the top 50 TMCs, as well as smaller firms.

    Through the years, we have:

    Recovered more than $70 million in hotel commissions.
    Developed relationships with 5,000 hotels globally.
    Managed and collected other commissionable data for our clients, including car, cruise and tour.

    Our success is based on the client trust we have built through successful policy compliance, cost reduction, strategic vendor alignment and tailored service platforms in both on-line and off-line environments.
  • Representative Clients

    Hogg Robinson Group
    FCM Travel Solutions
    Direct Travel
  • Fee Schedule

    We offer three pricing models to meet our client needs:

    Full Contingency – The fee starts at 40% or less of outstanding commissions collected based upon the agencies sales volume.

    Transactional – A straight transaction fee is applied to all payment items received. This includes items such as CXL and non commissionable items. The fee starts at 55 cents and goes down based on volume.

    Blended – Is a mix of a lower contingency and lower transactional fee. Most clients move to this structure after they have used us for a while.

    We operate with a 30 day opt-out contract.